Winnipeg Transit and Short Message Service (SMS/TXT) users will never miss their bus again with the new BUStxt service.
It looks a bit complex, but the city has published a great guide that will teach you various commands you need to know. All you have to do is txt those commands to BUStxt (287898).
A few examples:
At what times from right now will Route 16 depart stop 10171 (Northbound Osborne@River)?
Command: times nb osborne@river (nb stands for north bound)
What are the nearest bus stops to 421 Osborne Street?
Command: stops 421 osborne St
What are the nearest bus stops to the intersection of Portage Avenue at Donald Street?
Command: stops portage@donald
What are the nearest bus stops to the MTS Centre?
Command: stops mts centre
At what time will Bus 401 arrive at the intersection of Osborne@Morley?
Command: bus 401 osborne@morley
For more information and detailed information on commands head to the BUStxt website.
Image Portage Ave. at Rush Hour Originally uploaded by jimj_wpg