St. James Volkswagen Audi has announced that the Audi division will re-locate to one of two dealerships that will face Kenaston on the Outlets of Seasons Tuxedo mall development.
In essence, this will double the capacity of both Volkswagen and Audi floor and lot space for this dealer group.
The new electric cars for Audi require 12 outdoor charging stations for their luxury model so being closer to their customers and having the space was a key need. The showroom floor’s increase in size also was needed for the additional models the dealership would be selling in Manitoba. Other add-ons will be a detailing area, a car wash and 18 bay service center over three floors. Total space around 70,000 square feet.
The Outlets of Seasons site still has one dealership spot that has not been announced. And just north of the dealers and also facing Kenaston is a hotel site. Expect further announcements soon.
Audi expects to move into their location into the spot 2016/2017.
This has been a guest editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations