If you want to learn more about candidates up for the School Trustee By-Election, you can now do so at the City’s official website.
The 2016 School Trustee By-Election for the School Divisions of River East Transcona (Ward 3), St. James-Assiniboia (King Edward-Deer Lodge Ward) and Louis Riel (Ward 2) will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2016.
The website includes information on
- who is eligible to run or vote
- where and how you can vote
- advance voting opportunities
- the nomination process for those wishing to seek the Office of School Trustee
A mobile app will also launch in the coming days.
“We feel it is important to provide as much information as possible, in a variety of ways, to allow potential candidates and the general public to stay connected and understand the process related to running for School Trustee”, said Marc Lemoine, Senior Election Official.