It was a bit of a mystery what was going to go in the remaining space of the old Target at Grant Park Shopping Centre. Canadian Tire has just one month till its opening July 1st and takes up the majority of the space. What was left was 35,000 or so of leaseable space.
Then along came Goodlife Fitness to announce they were going to build a 25,000 square foot Co-Ed location in part of the space. That left 12,000 square feet of leasable space.
Today, Grant Park announced that Goodlife Fitnesss’s sister company will be opening in Manitoba for the first time and occupying all that remains of the 12,000 square foot space. Fit4Less by GoodLife is a low cost fitness option with lowest prices in the country. This will only be the third time in Canada that it has operated side by side with a full Goodlife Fitness.
From the press release:
“This is going to be one of the most beautiful and unique fitness clubs in Manitoba,” says David ‘Patch’ Patchell-Evans, Founder and CEO of GoodLife Fitness. “Winnipeg is such a diverse city, so it makes sense to acknowledge that by offering a variety of fitness options too. We believe that by offering these clubs side-by-side we will give even more residents in the city the opportunity to live a fit and healthy life.”
“GoodLife and Fit4Less by GoodLife will be fantastic additions to our shopping centre,” said Sandra Hagenaars, General Manager of Grant Park Shopping Centre. “Not only will these clubs encourage multiple visits per week to the mall, they will further enhance Grant Park’s unique mix of service and retail tenants.”
The new combined Goodlife should be open sometime in the new year.
This has been a guest editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations