It’s an awkward triangle property across from Costco in Kenaston Common that has sat fallow over all these years. No doubt it was too small for a big box store so it sat and sat some more. A proposal has now come forward for it and it looks like it will be a drive-thru, another restaurant and a few smaller retail locations.
There isn’t anything breathtaking in the design as far as Kenaston Common goes. However, the mall does not have much in the way of drive-thrus within its design. Those seemed to reserved for the other side of the street. No indication of what restaurant will end up getting the drive-thru at this point not of the other restaurant featured in the design. It is possible that Tim Horton’s might just simply grab it to deny a competitor.
With the completion of this one small parcel of land, Kenaston Common will be fully developed. And so it is almost everywhere along Kenaston nowadays. Land that has sat empty for better part of 15 to 20 years is being developed and leased. Meanwhile, the pace of development at Seasons of Tuxedo continues although it features an abundance of housing on site as well.
Although some continue to resist changes to Kenaston Route 90, it is unlikely that something will have to be done in terms on road and public transit. Kapyong Barracks, for example, probably can’t add 10,000 units of housing without some sort of accommodation. At the moment though there is in no proposal for roads, no budget for it. And yet, we continue to see Kenaston grow in traffic.
The full development of Kenaston Common is an indication of strong demand in the area.
This has been a editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations