Cineplex will once again host various FREE screenings for the whole family to enjoy.
Their annual Community Day will take place on Saturday, December 7, 2019 in support of the Boys & Girls Club of Canada.
Various movies will be screening for FREE on Saturday morning. Doors open at 9:00am and tickets aren’t required. Simply show up and grab a seat!
Movies that will be screening are:
- A Christmas Story
- Elf
- Gremlins
- Nat’l Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
- The Polar Express
Seating is limited and the movies are first come, first serve – so make sure to show up early.
Participation locations in Winnipeg:
- Cineplex Odeon McGillivray Cinemas and VIP
- Cinema City Northgate
- Scotiabank Theatre Winnipeg
- SilverCity St. Vital Cinemas
- Famous Players Kildonan Place Cinemas