Sweet Alibi,Jonny Moonbeam
Venue: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club 234 Main Street Winnipeg
Venue: Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club 234 Main Street Winnipeg
Venue: FortWhyte Alive 1961 McCreary Rd Winnipeg Moonlit Melodies
Save the date for the 2019 National Philanthropy Day luncheon where the Manitoba Philanthropy Awards are presented. https://community.afpglobal.org/afpmanitobachapter/events/eventdescription?CalendarEventKey=e23764e2-b14d-4f2e-abe9-2ab56d42888f&CommunityKey=71086946-e2a0-4576-9c9b-bc3185e06c70&Home=%2fafpmanitobachapter%2fhome
Venue: Westminster United Church 745 Westminster Avenue Winnipeg Promoters: Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra A program designed and ideally suited to the intimate surroundings of Westminster United Church and its magnificent Casavant […]
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: Prairie Ink McNally Robinson Grant Park 1120 Grant Avenue Winnipeg
Venue: Trans Canada Brewing Company 1290 Kenaston Blvd #1 Winnipeg
Venue: The Garrick 330 Garry Street Winnipeg
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: West Kildonan Legion 1748 Main Street Winnipeg