Venue: Belgian Club 407 Provencher Boulevard Winnipeg
Venue: Belgian Club 407 Provencher Boulevard Winnipeg
Venue: X-Cues Cafe & Lounge 551 Sargent Ave Winnipeg Every Thursday we have alternating hosts running our Sargent Jam! We\'re calling out all musicians to play on our stage, and […]
The 2019 JFM Luncheon in support of the Women’s Endowment Fund will feature Canadian television personality, fashion editor, and author Jeanne Beker as its keynote speaker. https://www.jewishfoundation.org/events/womensendowmentfundluncheon
Leadercast Live is the largest one-day leadership event in the world. Broadcast live each year from Atlanta to hundreds of Host Sites around the world, Leadercast Live assembles globally respected […]
Venue: Palm Lounge 222 Broadway Winnipeg
Venue: FM Café, St Amant 440 chemin River Road Winnipeg FM Café provides music entertainment  for onsite residents, group home clients,  support workers, families and friendsÂ
Venue: Cavern 112 Osborne Street Winnipeg
Venue: Travelodge 20 Alpine Ave Winnipeg
Venue: Shannon\'s Irish Pub 175 Carlton Street Winnipeg Get into it Winnipeg! For this city’s ONLY all vinyl 60’s Night. This semi-monthly event is a chance for all to experience the […]