Winnipeg Technical College (WTC) will soon become Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). It will be a stand-alone hybrid institution that would provide both secondary and post-secondary skills training, education and advanced learning.
The new legislation will:
- expand and encourage access to MITT for all Manitoba high school students, leading to a high school diploma
- improve the marketability of job training at MITT by providing greater recognition for MITT certificates and diplomas
- grow Manitoba’s workforce by officially recognizing MITT’s role in delivering training programs for in demand jobs in partnership with industry
- better attract out-of-province and international students by offering officially recognized job-training credentials
“Winnipeg Technical College is an important part of this government’s essential skills development strategy,” said Education and Advanced Learning Minister James Allum. “This new legislation will help the institution to establish stronger ties with industry and other educational institutions to ensure a more seamless education pathway from high school to college or university, and on to a good job. As it becomes the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology it will take on an even bigger role, giving more Manitoba students the opportunity to take job-related training while in high school.”