Mastermind Toys is in the middle of an aggressive western Canada expansion that includes Winnipeg.
The Toronto-based store was founded in 1984 and started off as a 300 square foot retailer of children’s educational toys and software. Today the privately owned chain numbers 40 stores and big players like Amazon and Toy R’ Us have been no impediment to the company increasing locations, employees and profits.
The target number of stores would appear to be 100 Canadian stores in the next number of years.
The company had admitted that they have a location that will be opening in Winnipeg in 2015 and their website indicates they are hiring managers now.
The big question is where. The rumour is in the Polo Park area but no confirmation on this.
Despite the bruising closing of stores in recent months like Future Shop and Target, there still seems to be strong absorption of those empty spaces and new retailing spaces across the country.
A Canadian toy retailer that seems to have the finger on the pulse of the nation and able to succeed will be a welcome addition in the Winnipeg market.