The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has launched a new iPhone App called Connected Care.
The app will allow users to search for health services such as hospitals, community health programs and organizations in Winnipeg.
“The WRHA remains committed to ensuring that the public, and our staff, have the best possible access to health service information,” said Jeanette Edwards, regional director, Primary Health Care and Chronic Disease, WRHA. “Being able to find the most appropriate care with a literal touch of a button will be invaluable to Winnipeggers.”
Features Include:
- Emergency department and urgent care wait times
- Users will be able to view the approximate times people are currently waiting before being placed into a treatment area
- Explore emergency department/urgent care locations on a map which provides the approximate distance from the user’s current location
- Health Services Directory
- Explore services on a map focused on a user’s current location
- Search for services based on service type or community area
- Send health service information to a friend or family member
- Quick access to My Right Care, Sign Up For Life, and Family Doctor Finder websites
The Connected Care app for iPhone is free to download through the App Store. An Android version will be coming soon.
For more information visit www.wrha.mb.ca/connectedcare.