The last few areas at the Linden Ridge mall are set to be developed in 2019.

The new Lowe’s will see two buildings constructed across from their parking lot. This is quite a coup for the mall as Kenaston Common just north of their location will be seeing a contraction as Payless Shoes and HBC Home close. In all, three HBC Home and eight Payless will close in the city this year.

The new construction appears to be triggered by two major retailers locating in Linden Ridge namely Vita Health and Mark’s Warehouse. Both retailers should find a market for their goods in the growing area.

It’s been a very slow but steady approach over the last few decades. But once the buildings are complete, Linden Ridge will be finally fully developed.

This has been a guest editorial by John Dobbin.
To read more from John, visit his blog Observations, Reservations, Conversations