Winnipeg city council has approved the renaming of three busy Winnipeg streets.

  • Bishop Grandin Boulevard will be renamed to Abinojii Mikanah
  • Bishop Grandin Trail will be renamed to Awasisak Mēskanow
  • Grandin Street will be renamed to Taapweewin Way

The new names for Bishop Grandin Trail and Boulevard means “childrens road” in Ojibway and Cree. Taapweewin means “truth” in Michif.

Why is Bishop Grandin being renamed?

Bishop Vital-Justin Grandin was a Roman Catholic missionary and bishop who was instrumental in the establishment and expansion of the Catholic Church in Western Canada during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While he is recognized for his contributions to the Church and his efforts to bring education and healthcare to Indigenous communities in the region, his legacy has been tarnished by his involvement in the residential school system.

Bishop Grandin was a supporter of the residential school system, which aimed to assimilate Indigenous children into Euro-Canadian culture by separating them from their families, communities, and traditions. The residential schools were notorious for their harsh living conditions, physical and emotional abuse, and cultural suppression, and the trauma inflicted on Indigenous children who attended these schools continues to affect Indigenous communities today.

Since June 2021, many other communities in Western Canada featuring Bishop Grandin’s name has been renamed.