The Manitoba government has released practice and protocols to ensure students, teachers and families are safe when they return to classrooms in September.
“The safety and health of students and staff, and their families, are the priority as Manitoba returns to in-class learning,” said Education Minister Kelvin Goertzen. “These protocols, in accordance with Public Health advice, will be implemented by all school divisions as part of the Manitoba government’s detailed guidance.”
Face Masks in School
It is strongly recommended, but not required, that students in grades 5 to 12 and school staff wear non-medical masks in common areas and where physical distancing of two metres is not possible.
Younger students may also wear non-medical masks if they or their parents choose so. Non-medical masks should not be worn by anyone who is unable to remove one without assistance.
Face Masks in School Buses
All students in Grade 5 and up, and bus drivers, will be required to wear non-medical masks on school buses. Masks must be put on before entering the bus. The province will provide masks to school divisions for distribution to students and staff.
Positive COVID-19 Case at a School
If a case of COVID-19 occurs at a school, Public Health will work with the school to identify close contacts and notify them and advise them to self-isolate. Areas of a school where exposures took place will be cleaned and disinfected, and the areas will not be used until it is determined safe to do so. School communities will be notified when a student at their school is a confirmed case, once close contacts have been identified.
COVID-19 Related School Closures
A closure of a school would be a last resort and only with evidence of transmission among multiple groups of students or staff.